Friday, February 6, 2015

Early Christian and Byzantine Design Peer Reviews

Early Christian Design:

I really enjoyed Sammy's overview of the Early Christian history. She did a great job explaining the importance of the events that shaped the Christian religion and how it impacted their design.

Emma also did a great job on her blog for the Early Christian period. I really enjoyed the photos she used, both for historical examples and current applications. I thought they did a great job of representing the essence of Early Christian design.

Byzantine Design:

Haley's entry on the Byzantine period was very thorough and provided a great view into the Byzantine Empire, beyond just what we learned in class. This really helps to provide insight into the design choices of that time and give some of the background behind its impact.

Miryam chose great pictures for her current application of the Byzantine style. The mosaic tiles in particular were really great choices and reflect the ornate and intricate designs that Byzantine structures used.

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