Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Ancient Greece

The Classical Greece civilization brings to mind renowned scholars, the beginnings of science and democracy, and a rise in the fine arts. These contributions have stood throughout time and still affect our world today. One of the most easily recognized aspects of Greek design is columns, which can be seen in buildings like the Parthenon. The construction of this temple uses various techniques to give the illusion of symmetry when viewed from a distance, The columns at the Parthenon, as well as other structures built during this time, provide examples of the Classic Orders of Architecture. These orders include the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian styles of columns.

Another impressive trait of Greek design were the the mosaic designs used on floors. These designs used geometric patterns like the Greek key, or else depicted mythological figures, animals, or flowers. They showed similar scenes on the walls, but this was more frequently done through plastering and painting them rather than through mosaic.

Furniture during this time was made with copper, bronze, iron, marble, and wood and was often inlaid with gold, ivory, and gems. Some of these pieces include the klismos, diphros, and kline. The diphros was especially impressive as it was the first version of a folding chair, similar to those we use today. The styles of the furniture still serve as inspiration today, and the architectural characteristics they developed can be seen in buildings across the world. Looking at the designs that they created, we can better understand their daily lifestyle and see why their impact has endured through the years

Current Examples

Interior with characteristic ionic column, Greek fret pattern, and blue and white colors.
Modern klismos style chair

Bathroom with Greek style mural, including Greek key pattern.

This video provides a look into ancient Greek temples and how they were constructed:

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